Saturday, January 16, 2010

Supergirl #49 Pages

A few pages from Supergirl #49 due out on January 27th, colors by Nei Ruffino.

Edit: The toe-tag on Lana's foot because it was asked about:


  1. That's lovely work, Matt, I'd love to see you with a regular DC gig.

  2. Thanks, I would love it too, but I'm just not fast enough for a monthly.

  3. Solid stuff!

    I especially like the expressiveness of Supergirl in that first panel.

    I also would love to see more DC stuff from you. How about a second feature? Better for your pace?

  4. Yeah I'd be in heaven doing a monthly back up, but I don't know if DC does that regularly. I'm all digital so an inker to help speed things up isn't really a possibility, but something small and regular would be awesome. I've gotten faster this past year but guys that nail the monthly deadlines just amaze me.

  5. I don't know if I'm famous enough for that yet, but it sounds great. I know Marvel does what they call "inventory" issues in all the interviews I've listened to but I don't know if DC does them, but that seems right up my alley. Plus I'd like to be more detailed which is something I really love doing.

  6. Actually, you may now be too famous for an annual . . . seriously, you have your in at DC, I'm sure you'll get more work anyway, but it doesn't hurt to hustle. Tell them me and Anj sent you!

  7. I was just wondering why does Linda Lang not have glasses on in this issue? Don't she wear glasses?

  8. I take full responsibility for forgetting the glasses. Or I could just take the easy way out and say she forgot them in her haste to get to the hospital. But honestly in all the issues I was sent (34-46 with page 24 of issue 38 for the outfit needed) she only wore glasses in 34 & 35 for 2 panels total, and being the Supergirl noob I am I just missed it.

    But I promise that if I ever draw her again (which I'd love) I'll make sure those glasses are in there!

  9. Oh, she was stressed, she forgot 'em, who cares - the issue was just beautiful, well done sir.

  10. Well thank you. But I sure as hell won't forget those glasses ever again. ;)

    But Clark Kent wears contacts right?

  11. The sentiment on line is 'she forgot her glasses because she was stressed'.

    I guess I'll go with that.

  12. Hi matt, could you please answer this question. Does the tag on lana's foot state that she is 34.

  13. No, it actually says 24, I don't know how old she's supposed to be so I just guessed, but I knew it would end up being so small that you couldn't read it in the issue. I'm sneaky.

    But looking at it reminded me that the date I wrote for the date of death was 12-22-2009 which is my birthday, and the day I drew the panel.
