Sunday, December 21, 2008

Portland Snow

I love the snow, but Portland isn't really a town that can handle it. Thank God I work at home.

Just in case you need an example.

Google Map of video location.


  1. Amen Matt! We're both cranking away at home with our only regret being that we might not get to see family at all for Christmas (they live across town and are more snowed in than we are!). Sheesh!

    And I wonder where the heck ANY snow plows are in this city. Do we even own one? It sure doesn't feel like it! PLUS, it's supposed to snow more on Christmas Eve and again (a bit) on Christmas.

    Ah well, we walked to the grocery store yesterday to re-stock up so at least we won't waste away!

    Hope you, Jade, and Forrest are doing fine throughout it all!

    Happy Holidays!

  2. The hippies across the street are parked directly across from our driveway, so even if I could back out I'd end up with copper paint all over the back of my car! Hippies! At least the grocery store isn't too far away.

    I decided to walk to Winco (by the old Cosmic Monkey) on Tuesday for egg-nog (Fred Meyer was out!)and found out how out of shape I was on the Halsey Bridge. I rode the bus back needless to say. I shared a ride with a guy who was trying to break the glass wall at the stop and some other people who got on at 82nd were covered in snow from ducking bullets. Merry Chistmas!
